virgin birth

美 [ˈvɜːrdʒɪn bɜːrθ]英 [ˈvɜːdʒɪn bɜːθ]
  • 单性(孤雌)生殖
virgin birthvirgin birth


human conception without fertilization by a man
Synonym: parthenogenesis parthenogeny


  1. She told everyone it was a virgin birth .


  2. They 're in with the Korean virgin birth girl .


  3. Or , again , take the virgin birth , which has been widely denied among Protestants in this century .


  4. But one can also go beyond the specific concerns of Matthew and Luke and see that the virgin birth is fully consistent with the whole range of biblical doctrine .


  5. Jefferson believed in a creator , but not in the divinity of Jesus , much less the virgin birth , which he thought only as a fable .


  6. For the most part , scientists think these virgin birth babies are sterile , but in 2012 , one researcher claimed he found a garter snake that gave birth to fertile offspring .


  7. No one had ever found a vertebrate virgin birth in the wild until 2012 , when scientists studying the spawn of North American cottonmouths and copperheads found that 2.5-5 percent of all pit viper litters were born without fathers .


  8. On the other hand , parthenogenesis ( the scientific term for virgin birth ) is common among other creatures in nature . Hammerhead sharks , komodo dragons , mole salamanders , and an assortment of other reptiles , fish and insects can all produce offspring without mating .
